Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
Imagining Chinese Medicine (Lo Vivienne) Post under Miscellaneous Books, General Science
A unique collection of 36 chapters on the history of Chinese medical illustrations. Take the reader on a journey from the imaging of a classical medicine to instructional manuals for bone-setting, to advertising and comic books of the Yellow Emperor.
Knowledge Cartography for Young Thinkers (Alexandra Okada) Post under Miscellaneous and Uncategorized Books
This book aims to help learners create knowledge with the support of artificial intelligence mapping apps and engage them deeply with sustainable development supported by green digital skills.
Indigenous Statistics: From Data Deficits to Data Sovereignty Post under Statistics and Mathematical Statistics
A major new approach to research across the disciplines and applied fields, dismantles that persistent positivism with a forceful critique, then fills the void with a new paradigm for Indigenous quantitative methods using concrete examples.
Functional Differential Geometry (Gerald Jay Sussman, et al.) Post under Geometry and Topology
This open access book offers an innovative way to learn the differential geometry needed as a foundation for a deep understanding of general relativity or quantum field theory as taught at the college level.
Peer to Peer Accommodation Networks (Sara Dolnicar) Post under Computer Networks and Data Communications
Discuss factors facilitating the transition of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks from niche market to mainstream accommodation providers. Many other hot topics around peer-to-peer accommodation are discussed.
Optimizing HPC Applications with Intel Cluster Tools Post under Parallel Computing and Programming
This book takes the reader on a tour of the fast-growing area of high performance computing and the optimization of hybrid programs, focuses on optimization for clusters consisting of the Intel Xeon processor.
An Introduction to Quantitative Text Analysis for Linguistics Post under Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing (NLP)
This open access book is a pragmatic textbook that equips students and researchers with the essential concepts and practical programming skills needed to conduct quantitative text analysis in a reproducible manner.
StarCraft: Legacy of the Real-Time Strategy (Simon Dor) Post under Game Design and Programming, Gaming, Gameplay, and Gamers, etc.
StarCraft (Blizzard Entertainment, 1998) is a real-time strategy video game, this book examines the game’s unanticipated effect by delving into the history of the game and the two core competencies it encouraged: decoding and foreseeing.
Hands-On Accelerator Physics Using MATLAB (Volker Ziemann) Post under MATLAB and Physics
This book provides a broad introduction into the physics and the technology of particle accelerators from synchrotron light sources to high-energy colliders. Illustrates key concepts with sample code in MATLAB.
Transparent Minds in Science Fiction (Paul Matthews) Post under Miscellaneous and Uncategorized Books
Explores the intersection between neuroscience and science fiction stories, argues that psycho-emotional science fiction writers both imitate and inform alien and post-human consciousnesses through exploratory narratives and metaphor.
The Brownian Motion: A Gentle Introduction for Economists Post under Financial Mathematics and Engineering, Financial Technologies
Provide a precise and intuitive introduction to the formal backgrounds of modern financial theory. Explain Brownian Motion, random processes, measures, and Lebesgue integrals intuitively, but without sacrificing the mathematical formalism.
Maths and Music (Julia Winterson) Post under Computer, Digital, and Mathematical Music
There are strong links between music and mathematics. Draw together the two disciplines outlining the key methods and concepts that underpin the subjects from one of the earliest uses of a musical cryptogram to computer music in the 21st century.
Blockchain Technology in Project Finance (Witold Srokosz, et al.) Post under Blockchain and Financial Technologies
It is possible to build a legal and economic model that would effectively enable the financing of long-term and capital-intensive investments, based on a specially prepared integrated platform operating on the basis of blockchain technology.
Aviation Noise Impact Management (Laurent Leylekian, et al.) Post under Aeronautics, Aerospace, Aviation, etc.
This open access book provides a view into the state-of-the-art research on aviation noise and related annoyance, primarily focus on the achievements of the ANIMA project (Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches).
Neural Network Architecture Design (Alireza M. Javid) Post under Neural Networks and Deep Learning
This book focus on developing new neural network architectures while taking such practical constraints into account, provides a clear and detailed coverage of fundamental neural network architectures and learning rules.
Neural Network Architectures and Activation Functions Post under Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Determining the right architecture is a computationally intensive process. We show that the neural activation function, if allowed to individually change for each neuron, can implicitly control many aspects of the network architecture.
Evaluating Information Retrieval and Access Tasks Post under Information Retrieval (IR) and Search Engines
Summarizes the first two decades of the NII Testbeds and Community for Information access Research (NTCIR). The book is unique in that it discusses not just what was done at NTCIR, but also how it was done and the impact it has achieved.
Elements of Higher Mathematics: Mathematics through Numbers Post under Number Theory and Algebra
This is a textbook for beginning mathematics students. Knowledge of school mathematics is not presumed: it starts with the basics of counting. The underlying idea is that the best way to learn mathematics is by doing mathematics.
Applied Signal Processing (Sadasivan Puthusserypady) Post under Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
This book tries to link between the analog and digital signal processing domains. Begins by explaining the fundamental concepts in analog signal processing and then progresses towards the digital signal processing.
Data Assimilation Fundamentals (Geir Evensen, et al) Post under Data Science and Data Mining
This open-access textbook's significant contribution is the unified derivation of Data Assimilation techniques from a common fundamental and optimal starting point, namely Bayes' theorem.
Understanding Statistics and Experimental Design Post under Statistics, Mathematical Statistics
Provide the background needed to correctly use, interpret and understand statistics and statistical data in diverse settings. Readers with little or no background in statistics will appreciate how these fundamental concepts are so well illustrated.
An Introduction to Neural Networks (Ben Krose, et al.) Post under Neural Networks and Deep Learning
From the basic building blocks of neural networks to advanced architectures, this book is designed to provide a thorough grounding in deep learning for readers at all levels of expertise.
Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics (Thomas Piecha, et al.) Post under Mathematical Logic, Semantics, Computational Semantics
Proof-theoretic semantics explains the meaning of linguistic expressions in general and of logical constants in particular in terms of the notion of proof. This volume is the first ever collection devoted to the field of proof-theoretic semantics.
Principles of Artificial Neural Networks (Daniel Graupe) Post under Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Covering major neural network approaches and architectures with the theories, this text presents detailed case studies for each of the approaches, accompanied with complete computer codes and the corresponding computed results.
Learning to Quantify (Andrea Esuli, et al.) Post under Machine Learning, Information Retrieval (IR), Data Mining
This open access book provides an introduction and an overview of learning to quantify (a.k.a. “quantification”), i.e. the task of training estimators of class proportions in unlabeled data by means of supervised learning.
Quantifying Quality of Life: Incorporating Daily Life into Medicine Post under Machine Learning, Data Analysis and Data Mining
This open access book presents the rise of technology-enabled methods and tools for objective, quantitative assessment of Quality of Life (QoL), while following the WHOQOL model.
Special Topics in Information Technology (Angelo Geraci) Post under Software Engineering Principles and Practices
This open access book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest research trends in Information Technology, presented in an easy-to-read format that will also appeal to non-specialists.
Security Technologies and Methods for Advanced Cyber Threats Post under Computer, Networks, and Information Security
This open access book presents six priority areas to focus on to maximize the effectiveness of your cybersecurity program: risk management, control baseline, security culture, IT rationalization, access control, and cyber-resilience.
Doing Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo (Dimitri Mortelmans) Post under Data Analysis and Data Mining
An introduction to the software program NVivo, the most widely used qualitative analysis program. It is a versatile program with an extensive range of accessible analysis tools, flexibly deployable in the diversity of qualitative analysis approaches.
Creativity in Art, Design and Technology (Susan Liggett, et al.) Post under Miscellaneous and Uncategorized Books
Creativity is a difficult concept, how can it best be defined, understood, applied, and practiced? This book provides important answers to these questions, which is relevant for artists, designers, scientists and technologists.
Mathematical Theory of Deep Learning (Philipp Petersen, et al.) Post under Deep Learning and Creativity in Art, Design and TechnologyNeural Networks
This book provides an introduction to the mathematical analysis of deep learning. It covers fundamental results in approximation theory, optimization theory, and statistical learning theory, which are the three main pillars of deep neural network theory.
Security Infrastructure Technology for Utilization of Big Data Post under Information Security and Big Data
This open access book describes the technologies needed to construct a secure big data infrastructure that connects data owners, analytical institutions, and user institutions in a circle of trust.
Mastering PostGIS: Create, Analyze, and Implement Spatial Data Post under PostgreSQL and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
The aim of this book is to help you master the functionalities offered by PostGIS, from data creation, analysis and output, to ETL and live edits - a comprehensive guide covering all the concepts you need to master PostGIS.
Python for Software Development (Hans-Petter Halvorsen) Post under Python Programming and Software Engineering
This is a textbook in Python Programming with lots of Examples, Exercises, and Practical Applications within Software Systems, Software Development, etc. The focus is on the use of Python for creating modern Software Systems.
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (Charles Alexander, et al.) Post under Electronic Engineering
The objective of this textbook is presenting circuit analysis in a clearer, more interesting, and easier to understand manner. A balance of theory, worked & extended examples, practice problems, and real-world applications.
The Definitive Swift Tutorial for Beginners (Chris Ching) Post under Swift Programming and iOS Programming
In this Swift tutorial, you’ll learn how to read and write Swift code, complete exercises, and ultimately become a Swift wiz! The author also compiled a Swift cheat sheet for beginners.
Raspberry Pi and Python (Hans-Petter Halvorsen) Post under Python Programming, Raspberry Pi
This is a textbook where you learn about Raspberry Pi and Python Programming with lots of Examples, Exercises, and Practical Applications. The focus is on the use of Python in combination with Raspberry Pi.
Introduction to Topology (Renzo Cavalieri) Post under Topology on Sat Jan 06, 2024
This introductory topology book requires only a knowledge of calculus and a general familiarity with set theory and logic. Clear organization, worked examples, and concise writing style support a thorough understanding of basic topological principles.
Advanced Linear Algebra (David Surowski) Post under Linear and Matrix Algebra on Sat Jan 13, 2024
This book explores a variety of advanced topics in linear algebra that highlight the rich interconnections of the subject to geometry, algebra, analysis, combinatorics, numerical computation, and many other areas of mathematics.
Relational Databases and Microsoft Access (Ron McFadyen) Post under Databases and Miscrosoft SQL Server on Sat Jan 13, 2024
This book is an introductory text that introduces Microsoft Access Office 365 and relational database design. Attempted to give a suitable introduction to normalization theory for the beginning database usersas, well as entity relationship diagrams.
Mobile Media Learning: Innovation and Inspiration Post under Miscellaneous Books and Mobile Devices on Sat Jan 13, 2024
This book is an inspirational message about what is possible and practical in the name of learning through mobile media. It present stories from a diverse set of educators, a microcosm of the landscape of mobile media learning.
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